Why in the world did I create yet another new online blog?
I’ve had several over the years. Some have done well, some have done poorly. But all have done something. I have thoughts and ideas to share. I like helping others, and giving others hope. (If I can do it, you can probably do it better).
It is also part of a long term plan. 10 minutes a day. 70 minutes a week. Take a few minutes to sit and share something, a thought, idea, feeling something exciting, something sad. A good piece of information for somebody trying to learn, and my mistakes so you can learn from them.
What is my plan? To not have to trade my time for dollars. I have a job. I go to that job and work 8 hours, at an agreed to rate of $$/hr. There isn’t anything inherently wrong with that, except everything is wrong with that. It is prostitution of my time. My labor is my own. I shouldn’t be using it to further the wealth of somebody else, it stops me from furthering my own. I should have my ideas make money for me, not my time. My time is finite, I only have so much to give. Same with my physical labor. I can only work so long and so hard. I also plan on making my dollars work for me harder than they already do. This is one part of that plan. A place for me to write my ideas
My goal with this blog is to trade my ideas for your views. Your views bring ad revenue to this channel. I do not have to be sitting in a chair to get your views. it happens the moment I click “publish”. It happens when I’m awake or asleep, It happens if I’m driving, eating dinner, or working my “day job”. This post will get me views today, tomorrow and 7 years from now.
I have a youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/aicvideo
Some of my most popular videos that STILL get views every day are 3, 5, and 7 years old now. and those views mean dollars. Hopefully one day, this post, 3, 5, and 7 years from now will inspire somebody to do something great for themselves.
So, 10 minutes a day. once a day. It may be short, it may be long. But Something will be posted here.