As I mentioned in my last post. I am taking 10 minutes every day to sit down and write something. I mentioned that in my last post it was because I am trying to get a more meaningful presence online to have additional revenue streams. The thing is. This is not the only reason I wanted to create a blog.
I LOVE to write. No joke. I love it. I have written books, poems, song lyrics, etc. I have never been brave enough to actually publish these things. The one thing I have written in the past that I put out there publicly were blogs, and again, they have done pretty well for me. I enjoyed the opportunity to share my thoughts and ideas. It’s a bit free form, so my grammar, and thought process is a bit all over the place.
What are some topics I can cover?
Politics – Though this one is more general and not specific
Personal progress/responsibility
What ever else I feel like that day.
Today though is more about the love of writing. There is just something special about being able to put your thoughts and ideas out there. It makes you a bit vulnerable, since others can read it, and then analyze and respond to it, but it also gives you a chance to really say it how you see it, Give a hard line in the sand. THIS is where I stand. It also forces you to organize and formalize your thoughts, makes you really consider what you stance is before you put it out there.
It is also a creative outlet. Being able to write gives you a sense of freedom when you put pen to paper (or in this case wiggle your fingers over a plastic and metal clicky box). You don’t need special tools, paints, or even a practiced physical prowess. You just need to let your ideas flow. Most of the time, what you come up with is terrible. and not worth showing to the world, but every now and then… You get it right. and you get something worth sharing.
I will be posting some poems I wrote years and years ago on a previous blog. One, so I can share them and two, so I can get enough content for other background things. Enjoy.